About the Spotify Pixel

Measure conversion events that matter across Spotify and non-Spotify campaigns.

What is the Spotify Pixel? 

The Spotify Pixel is a piece of JavaScript code placed on a website that allows you to analyze the actions that listeners took after hearing or seeing your ad. With the Spotify Pixel you can...

  • Install once to measure all of your ads on Spotify and all audio across non-Spotify campaigns too.
  • See all of the actions that listeners take on your website across all devices.
  • Better understand the ROI of your audio ad spend across all channels.

What can the Spotify Pixel measure?

Website activities, including:

  • Page view
  • Lead
  • Add to cart
  • Product view
  • Checkout
  • Purchase

Install the Spotify Pixel

Follow our step-by-step guide to implement the pixel directly on your website.


If you use one of the listed integrations to install the pixel on your website, please follow the linked guides:

If you are interested in using one of the listed integrations to measure mobile app installs and activity, please follow the linked guides: